Clinton (as Secretary of State) was summons to Geneva to discuss an urgent matter. UBS reached an agreement with IRS to pay $780 million in criminal fines for offering tax haven accounts for U.S. clients in February 2009. Four thousand four hundred fifty (4,450) names of U.S. tax payors were handed over breaking Swiss law. All UBS upper executives received deferred prosecution (no criminal charges).
Judge Teilborg acknowledges in his first order in 2013 that Quiel sought the entire IMF file be disclosed at trial but contradicts himself in the next order in 2018, stating it could have been learned prior to appeal.
By disregarding SCOTUS opinion NRLB vs SW General and accepting Teilborg opinion then you allow “Acting” Officers to exceed the 210 days permitted and thus hold a permanent position without “Senate Confirmation”.
By accepting Teilborg opinion, then visiting “Russian probe”…Mueller’s appointment as an “inferior officer” by Rosenstein as “Heads of Department” is legal as an “inferior officer”. Constitution, Article 2, Sec 2, Claus 2 reads …”the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.” Inferior officer is not Senate Confirmed.
If you disregard SCOTUS opinion Lucia vs SEC and accept Teilborg opinion, then visiting “Russian probe”…Mueller’s appointment as an “inferior officer” by Rosenstein as “Heads of Department” is legal as an “inferior officer”. Constitution, Article 2, Sec 2, Claus 2 reads …”the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.”
Teilborg opinion gives Mueller gets LIFE TIME appointment even though he has NOT been confirmed by the Senate. The only life time appoint is given to Federal Judges but must have “Senate Confirmation”.